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12th September 2024 

Counsellor and Psychotherapist for individuals and couples in Barnes and Richmond, South West London - Beccy Lindsay

Professional Qualifications and Experience:

Professional Affiliations

Full clinical, registered and accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Full clinical member of the UPCA (Universities Psychotherapy and Counselling Association).

ICO Registered


* UKCP Accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy (Roehampton University).

* London Marriage Guidance Council Training Course (now The Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships).

* Integrated Training Course and Accredited CRUSE Counsellor on Bereavement and Loss, Cruse Bereavement Care.

*BA(Hons) Psychology and Anthropology (Lancaster University)

Specialist Training

* Specialist training in working with dissociation.

* Specialist training in working with abuse.

* Specialist experience in post traumatic stress disorder

* Cruse Bereavement Care Qualified and Accredited

* Member of the NHS Moorfields Nurses Counselling Network

*Specialist training in working with clients who are vision impaired or severely vision impaired

* Training and experience in working with Auditory Processing Disorder for Richmond Borough, Education.

Current Practice

Private practice in East Sheen

I carry professional liability insurance and maintain regular supervision and professional development training

Member organisations

Accredited voluntary registers
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

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